our story

It begAn with an idea.

our idea was born in a light-bulb moment on a walk in Guatemala

As expert marketers, our team worked across the marketing spectrum both on the client as well as on the agency side.

In December 2022, while on holiday in Guatemala, Dina, one of our founders went for an evening walk by Lake Atitlan - which is stunning by the way. 

As one does in nature, her mind wandered with thoughts. Just over two years ago, we were working with a client on a Tradeshow project. It was stressful with tight deadlines, many moving parts, and quite a few sleepless nights to manage to deliver our usual excellent quality. The project was a great success and was shown as a ‘best in class’ example globally within the client’s organisation.

Fast forward two years and the team is working on their 25th Tradeshow project but with a difference. The process is working seamlessly and efficiently like clock-works. The client is happy and so are we.

Then a spark lit. What if we packaged the process and the services we do for tradeshows under a new proposition to help other exhibitors benefit from our experience. It would elevate the stress on their resources, save them time and effort and most importantly, get them better results. And so just like that…. ‘Tradeshow 2 Go!’ was born. 

Meet the team

We have a fabulous team of experts from designers to animators to videographers and PR, and we bring the right talent together for every project. Please meet our leads across the critical areas of strategy, creatives and digital.

  • Flor is originally Argentinian, now based in London. With experience spanning Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East, she is well-versed in bringing out the unique identity for each project and brand she works on. Flor believes that design is an adventure, it starts with an idea, that is explored, simplified, structured, and transformed into a visual language with a story and beautiful aesthetics. She worked across multiple industries from wine to luxury hotels to B2B, government, and editorial magazines. An avid traveler and photographer, she brings distinct perspectives and a unique narrative to the overall design story. After all, it is the little things that make all the difference.


Dina Soliman - CEO


  • Dina Soliman-Pedersen is the Founder and CEO of Trade Show 2 Go! She thinks of herself as a citizen of the world; lived on 3 continents and now calling London home. Following a successful marketing career where she created, developed, and scaled brands across sectors including Food & Drink to Travel and Luxury Hotels, to Government, she founded her brand and marketing consultancy, where she worked on many Trade Show projects. Then she realised there was a need for a dedicated marketing offering to help exhibitors.

    Dina acts as a strategic partner to our clients helping develop targeted marketing strategies that deliver results.

Tina Maier - Digital Marketing


  • Tina is originally from Germany but she fell in love with London when visiting several years ago and so she has since then made it home. Tina is fluent in both English and German and specializes in digital marketing and content development which she found a passion for and seamlessly combines precision and creativity. She is also a brilliant project manager and ensures all goes like clockwork. Motivated with a dynamic spirit, Tina plays a crucial role in ensuring that exhibitors stand out prominently in the digital realm. She sets up and manages campaigns, delivering impactful marketing results for exhibitors.

    Dina acts as a strategic partner to our clients helping develop targeted marketing strategies that deliver results.

  • “The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.”

    Abraham Lincoln